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17173龙族 > > 正文
2002-11-09           【 加入收藏 / 文章投稿 / 截图上传 / 发表评论

排除危险 save from danger
治愈圣言 authority to restore
冰球术 darkness, let them feel the pain of coldness!
火墙术和火焰放射 darkness, blast like fire!
夺目圣言 you be free to fear
武器加持术 Thoro, you mean the power of transmition.
混乱术 Nactive, come to me, darkness which calls death.
治疗圣言 hold father, please save our people from the pain
治疗术 Thorou, wake up the source of regeneration
治疗圣言 Please save us from the evil

回复系 wake up the souls(还是source?) of regeneration.
诅咒系 come to me,darkness which calls death.
魔力附着系 give me the power of all the transmition.
(男的听起来真的很像you need the power... ,可是女的很清楚,就是give me the...)
火焰系 darkness,blast like fire.
寒冰系 darkness,let them feel the pain of coldness.
雷电系 the father of light(这有点怪怪的,应该是lightning),let me borrow
your power.
召唤系 i\\’ll call all things here,get ready to show yourself.
传送系 open up the door that connect space to space.
特技系 your body will be finished by me.

治疗术(强力治疗术) healing
治疗疾病 cure disease
保护术 protection
防护罩 physical shield(所以这应该是防物理攻击的^^")
武器加持术 enchant weapon
隐形术 invisibility
消除魔力 dispel magic
魔力微增(以前是魔力增幅) increase magic
火球术 fire bolt
火焰放射 circle flame
炎浪术 flame wave
火鸟召唤(听过几次) fire bird
冰弹 ice bolt
寒冰箭 ice arrow
旋冰咒 circle ice
冰墙术 ice wall
半径五格冰环术 freeze
照明术 light
雷电召唤 lightning bolt
电击术 lightning
超新星电击 nova
连环电击 chain lightning
瞬间移动 telekinesis
龙麟 dragon skin





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